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I installed a Networks Follow button from Facebook. So, hey if you want...
And, I just got a new book in the mail from another publishing company. That's 3 companies in the last 4 months. Not too bad Eh? I guess I'm better at it then I thought.
It's one of those morning where the TO-DO List is just overwhelming. Not helping that my shoulder is killing me. My good shoulder too.
When I was out with mom yesterday, the bus driver took off before I had a chance to sit down, so there's me tumbling back hard into the seat. Not the actual seat part but the metal handle on the side. After a few minutes I figured I was fine, could move my arm no problems, my bra felt like it was digging into the back abit but otherwise, I was fine. With the O.I. every thing is a potential break when you get bumped. When I got home last night, got undressed and my shoulder seemed slightly swollen but I could still move it. Today, it's as tight as a doorknob and a bruise is forming. Hopefully a few muscle relaxers will be all that's needed.
Okay, I'm off to try and get some stuff done.
Ouch! Hope your shoulder feels better soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks. It's not as puffy today.